Stay safe online with ad-block

An ad-block browser extension is one of the first things I install on a new computer and browser. As the name suggests, the main use of an ad-blocker is to block ads on websites and Youtube videos. But what you might not notice or know is that having an ad-block on your browser makes your internet experience safer for you.

One way many people get scammed online is because a popup tells them they have a virus, they call that number, and get scammed. But, if you have ad-block on your browser, you will never see those scam popups. Another, less scammy, but similarly disingenuous thing ad-block blocks are “sponsored results” on Google search and other pages. When you used to search google, all results below would be organic search results, but now, Google sells ad space in place of the first few results. With an ad-block browser extension these sponsored results will be blocked.

The ad-block extension I and many others use for Chrome and Firefox is u-block origin.

Chrome extension link

Firefox extension link

Author: Robert Hopkins

I enjoy the creative problem solving that comes with tech, as well as the added challenge of trying to translate instructions to others in a way they can understand and find helpful

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